What a difference 6 years makes!

>> Thursday, May 19, 2011

a Mommy post.....

This afternoon as we were getting ready for Porter's very first "End of the Year" school program, my wonderful husband said ---- "Do you realize that 6 years ago you didn't even know I existed?"

WOW!!  A strange but very true thought! We met on May 20, 2005. 

Six years ago we didn't even know each other and now look at us!  We have a spectacular life and the most amazing and precious son!! 

I am so blessed!  I have the most awesome family ever!  I am married to my best friend who also just happens to be the most loving and spectacular husband in the world!  I am Mommy to the sweetest and most adorable little firecracker of a son!

I never could have imagined all the beautiful plans God had for me!  And, I can only dream about all that is yet to come!

PS - Porter's program was fantastic!  I will let him tell you all about it!  He wanted to post tonight, but he was a little tired! 


Cece,  May 20, 2011 at 10:28 AM  

Sweet story! I love you so much.
We truly are blessed with an awesome family. And I do agree that your son is pretty adorable! Happy "6 years we met" Day!!

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